What Do People See When They Die

What Do People See When They Die

Death is the biggest mystery of this world. The fear, the agony and the closing stages associated with death make it a moment we dread all our lives. It is often said that people usually come to know that they are going to die. Grief expert David Kessler tells that deathbed visions are more or less identical throughout the world. Some interesting facts about the deathbed visions are.

The end-of-the-life visions, people see have noteworthy resemblance.

The hands of the dying fervently reaching out for some unknown power has been witnessed in many cases.

The visions mostly transpire towards the edges of the room.

TAGS : what do people see when they die, deathbed visions, who and what you see before you die, vision you have on your deathbed, spirituality, astrology, ifairer