Study: Thinking too much can cause you to die younger

Study: Thinking too much can cause you to die younger

According to a study, people who died before they reached their mid-80s had lower levels of a protein called REST in their brain leading them to die sooner.  So basically, over thinking or thinking too much can kill you. This study was done by Harvard researchers where they studied people ranging in age from 60s and 70s to those who lived to be 100 years or older.

Even though "the mechanisms that extend lifespan in humans are poorly understood", it did depict that the 'protein' was far lesser in people who died in their 60's and 70's. This protein can tamp down the genes involved in sparking brain activity and researchers have found out that this is lesser in people who have Alzheimer's.

So if you're thinking too much about that job or your relationships. Just know to breathe in and breathe out (and probally meditate).

TAGS : study, thinking too much can cause you to die younger, thinking, research, health tips, ifairer