Career in Fine Arts: Scope and Jobs

Career in Fine Arts: Scope and Jobs

A fine arts degree is versatile enough to open doors for many unique career opportunities. Whether you are an artist, musician, or writer, there are dozens of job opportunities for each specialization. Fine art graduates BFA (a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree) develop a range of practical and creative skills, and gain valuable experience of entering exhibitions, competitions and building up a portfolio of work. Here are some Jobs directly related to your BFA degree.

Craft Artist
With the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in majors like ceramics, jewelry, metalwork, textile design or fiber arts, craft artists show and sell handmade pieces and artwork in a variety of venues.

Fine Artists

Artists are those who can create and shape sculptures, paintings, designs, and words. When one thinks of jobs in fine arts, one tends to think of art galleries, art teachers, or maybe hobby painters. However, the reality is there are many other options available. Artists can include graphic artists who work in a team to create art in newspapers, magazines, and pamphlets, illustrators who create caricatures or cartoons, and website designers who create diagrams or customize the appearance of a website.

Art Teacher

BFA graduates with an art education major may be qualified to teach art in elementary, middle or secondary school if they earn a teaching certificate too. The program also prepares them for continued master's degree study that may be required by state education departments. Art education majors learn how to introduce kids to basic concepts in art, from hands-on activities in various artistic media to art history and art criticism.

TAGS : career in fine arts, scope & jobs, fine art career, career options for fine arts, career, career advice, ifairer