10 THINGS those stopping You from ORGASM..

10 THINGS those stopping You from ORGASM..


Ironically, the contraceptive pill has been found to have a dampening effect. A study published last year by Indiana University involving 1,101 women, found that women using the Pill or a contraceptive patch had fewer orgasms and also reported lower levels of arousal and frequency of sex than those who used non-hormonal contraception such as condoms.

But Dr Cynthia Graham, a senior lecturer in health psychology at the University of Southampton and a leading sex researcher, says this is more likely to be down to the Pill's effect on libido rather than on arousal - so the link might be simply because women are having less sex generally, rather than fewer orgasms.

TAGS : orgasm, taboo subject, elusive areas, areas for scientists to research, research health, health, health research, scientists , health science, new research, 10 things those stopping you from orgasm, woman orgasm, orgasm in sex, sex, sex health, sex tips, health tips