10 THINGS those stopping You from ORGASM..

10 THINGS those stopping You from ORGASM..


The most revealing research in this area is from scanning people's brains. In one study, researchers at the University of Groningen, in the Netherlands, found that key areas of the brain switch off during orgasm.

'We found a marked deactivation of the prefrontal cortex, an area of the brain we know is important for self control,' says neuroscientist Janniko Georgiadis, who carried out the research. 'It indicated that to become really aroused you need to have a feeling of not caring what's going on around you, of letting go.'

Dr Georgiadis suggests this might have an evolutionary explanation. 'Think about animals who are biologically driven to have sex while there are predators around. Arousal is important because it decreases the sense of fear.'

TAGS : orgasm, taboo subject, elusive areas, areas for scientists to research, research health, health, health research, scientists , health science, new research, 10 things those stopping you from orgasm, woman orgasm, orgasm in sex, sex, sex health, sex tips, health tips