Which Watch is apt for your Sunsign? ARIES

Which Watch is apt for your Sunsign? ARIES

Aries prefer functional models of watches without any excesses. Watches with the shock-proof device, water-proof case of silvery color (from alloys of nickel, the titan, a steel, a palladium, etc.) are recommended for vigorous representatives of this sign. Watches with a mirror or nacreous dial will be approached for the most exacting consumers. There are no figures on such watches more often, but it is compensated by contrast expressive divisions of a dial and the accurate arrows reflecting symbolism of Mars, the manager of this sign (a staff, a spear). The second meaning of watches is not luxury too, and necessity. The form of the case for this sign is the extended rectangle, and a bracelet is integral, flexible, from this a material, as hours.