WhatsApp will soon link your accounts and keep archived chats muted

WhatsApp will soon link your accounts and keep archived chats muted

Unsurprisingly, the first service to support Linked Accounts looks to be Instagram. Facebook owns WhatsApp and Instagram, so there is an incentive to maintain some sort of ecosystem between the three services. The second new feature is Vacation Mode. Even though you can archive chats, WhatsApp automatically unarchives them once you receive a new message. Vacation Mode lets you keep archived chats the way they are, even when you receive new messages. So long as you muted those chats, you will not get notifications of any new messages in those chats.

TAGS : whatsapp will soon link your accounts and keep archived chats muted, whatsapp upcoming features let you link accounts and keep archived chats muted, whatsapp new feature, whatsapp update, gadgets, technology