Start Freelancing With No Experience

Start Freelancing With No Experience

It may offer freedom, but there is no stability of income in freelancing. You can never be sure about the next project. For those saddled with financial responsibilities, it can lead to a sticky situation if there is a long dry spell.

Know how you work best
One of the joys of working for yourself is that you can work in whatever environment is best for you.

Record of expenses
Though freelancers are not eligible for many of the tax free allowances that regular employees get, a lot of these are tax deductible. For instance, what you spend on rent, travelling, car EMI, computer, maintenance of equipment, Internet and telephone bills, dining with clients, stationery, and newspapers and magazines, is legitimate expense and tax-deductible. Keep a record of these.

Learn to say no
You need to learn to say no when a job just doesn't excite you, or when it really isn't a good fit for your skills. Or if the client is obviously going to be a headache. Say no, and remember that time really is your most precious resource. Sure, you might have to take those 'boring' gigs occasionally to pay the bills, but don't sell your soul.

TAGS : start freelancing with no experience, how to became freelancer, how to start freelancing with no experience, how to become a freelance writer, tips to start freelancing without experience, career advice, career guide, ifairer