How to behave inside interview hall

How to behave inside interview hall

Sit properly
In most interviews you'll almost certainly be seated on a chair facing the interviewer. You want to position yourself so that you look attentive but can be comfortable for a lengthy period of time.

Keep all of your mobile and other electronic devices turned completely off. A phone set to vibrate will interrupt the meeting.

Leave a good impression
The biggest mistake you can make is to assume the interview is over and make the first move towards leaving. You should wait for a cue - when the interview is over, the interviewer will make it clear. You should then thank them for their time, proffer your hand and leave as quickly as possible, but without rushing or tripping over.

TAGS : how to behave inside interview hall, how to behave in an interview, job interview behaviour, interviewing skills, tips to behave in an interview, personality development, ifairer