6 Common Brow Mistakes That Can Cause Harm

6 Common Brow Mistakes That Can Cause Harm

Tweezing Once A Week

So, wax and thread are out. But, if you think a quick tweeze every now and then should be able to keep you in top shape, it's time to reconsider your brow-maintenance strategy.It's the only way to maintain your arches. If you wait a week or two you're going to have hair sprouting everywhere, and it'll be hard to know what's new growth and what needs to stay.

TAGS : 6 common brow mistakes that can cause harm, steps to prevent your eyebrows, steps that are harming your eyebrows,waxing or threading tough break, brow fans,tweezing once a week,matching your arches to your hair color,doing brows first, then base,using just one brow product,filling from the edges, protect your eyebrows, protect your eyebrows from damage, mistakes that are harming your eyebrows, simple ways that are harming your eyebrows, waxing harms your eyebrows, eye make up harm your eyebrows