5 Biggest hair care mistake to avoid

5 Biggest hair care mistake to avoid

Continuous heat
If your hairs are curly, then don't use hot irons and other heat providing products for hair straighten continuously. These will make Your hair dry and spilting in the hairs.

Rubbing your hairs
Don't rub too much to your hairs with your towel. It will make rough hairs.Better if you lightly soak the water from hairs or use finger to shake the water from hairs.

Conditioning your hairs
Avoid the regular conditioning to your hairs. It will give the dryness ton your hairs. Its better to use home made Conditioner like, egg, curd etc.

TAGS : 5 biggest hair care mistake to avoid, stay away from hair care mistakes, most common hair care mistakes you need to stop, hair care mistakes every girl makes, common hair care mistakes to avoid, hair care, ifairer