Your daughter's first period: How to educate her

Your daughter's first period: How to educate her

Shop for products in advance
Before your daughter's first period arrives, start to assemble a special box of menstrual products. Consider including several brands and types of disposable pads. You might also want to include other items that could make her period easier such as Midol, special tea that might soothe her if she gets bad cramps, and anything else that you know might be of comfort to her like her favorite candy or chocolate.

Explain to your daughter how to use a sanitary pad
Prepare your daughter with instructions on how to use a sanitary pad. Explain or show her how it gets attached to penty, and what to do with used pads. Also ensure your daughter realizes she should change her pad every 4 to 6 hours at the very least, but can change it anytime she wants.