WHAT if husband stares at other women!!

WHAT if husband stares at other women!!

Ignore It
Many men who gawk at other women while out with their wives are simply expressing immature behavior that would never result in a stray from the marriage. Your husband may feel that looking at other women gives him a sense of his youth and freedom. If you are completely secure in your relationship and know that your husband would never take this behavior to the next level, you may be inclined to take the higher road and simply dismiss the behavior. This should certainly only be an option if the behavior is only slightly annoying and does not cause damage to your self esteem or your general feelings towards your husband. If your husband looking at women makes you feel very disrespected or insecure about the future of your relationship, ignoring a wise idea at all.

TAGS : tips,suggestions, situation, what if husband stares at other women, relationship, husband