Things it's OKAY to hide form your boyfriend

Things it's OKAY to hide form your boyfriend

You hate his mom
She might disapprove of you, and you of her but sharing the fact that you hate the woman who gave birth to him is a No No.

My period is really heavy today

He gets it: you are a girl and you get your period. He probably even passed high school sex-ed with flying, crimson colors. That being said, just because he knows it biologically happens monthly, doesn't mean he needs to know exactly when it's happening, and he especially doesn't want heavier details. If it's a crime scene in your pants, please, keep it to yourself. Telling him "I'm on my period" is detail enough.

Keep crushes at bay
It's okay to not tell your boyfriend that you have a crush on someone because really, it's no biggie, and secondly it might just make him insecure! If it is someone unattainable like Fawad Khan, then, well, go ahead!

Your bank balance
Because it is something very personal and maybe you don't need one more person telling you that you need to buy fewer clothes and save more.

TAGS : things its okay to hide form your boyfriend, things its okay to not tell your boyfriend, secrets its ok to keep from your partner, dating tips, relationships tips, ifairer