Study of five lakh women hints at oestrogen, birth control pills offering some protection against COVID-19

Study of five lakh women hints at oestrogen, birth control pills offering some protection against COVID-19

Women in the youngest age group of 18-45 years, that were on Combined Oral Contraceptive Pills (COCP), had a lower rate of predicted COVID-19 risk. These pills containing low doses of both oestrogen and progestogen hormones, much like those naturally produced by the body. Younger women on these pills reported fewer symptoms like persistent cough, delirium, anosmia, loss of appetite, fatigue and pain, and had a significantly lower rate of hospitalization.

From the early weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers have been noting a disproportionately higher number of men and older adults at risk of severe coronavirus disease, while younger individuals and women were relatively spared.

Combining studies from past epidemics like SARS (SARS-CoV) and MERS with these new findings, researchers have said the oestrogen-linked protection could explain the higher risk that men of all ages and older women have for COVID-19, compared to younger women.

The new study offers clues as to what the biological underpinnings of these differences could be. The pre-print study, published in medRxiv, is yet to be peer-reviewed.


TAGS : study of five lakh women hints at oestrogen, birth control pills offering some protection against covid-19, oestrogen, covid-19, birth control pills, study, ifairer