Study: Eating almonds daily keep your skin wrinkle-free

Study: Eating almonds daily keep your skin wrinkle-free

"Almonds are a rich source of antioxidant vitamin E and deliver essential fatty acids and polyphenols. They are a smart choice for overall good nutrition," said Sivamani. "As seen in this study, almonds may hold promise as a food to include as part of a healthy ageing diet, especially for post-menopausal women," he said.

However, the outcomes warrant future studies with expanded population groups and additional evaluations for signs of skin ageing, the researchers said. Ageing is a long-lasting process so the findings from this study may be difficult to reproduce and generalise to extended periods of time, they said.

The researchers noted that skin-ageing is also multi-factorial in nature and although certain groups were excluded i.e. those with a smoking history, there is variance in ageing confounders, such as frequency of ultraviolet (UV) light exposure and emotional stress, which were outside the scope of the study.

TAGS : study, eating almonds daily keep your skin wrinkle-free, eating almonds daily may help reduce facial wrinkles, almond, facial wrinkles, women, ifairer