Beauty boosting foods for your nails, hair and skin

Beauty boosting foods for your nails, hair and skin

Dark chocolate
70 percent or more cocoa may actually be good for your skin. Preliminary studies found that cocoa's flavonols (a potent type of antioxidant) can help increase blood flow, supply skin with oxygen, improve skin hydration, and reduce sun sensitivity.

Whole wheat promotes digestion
Think of whole-wheat bread and other whole grain products as smart food for your skin. They are a healthy alternative to refined white bread or pasta, says Kaufman-Janette. Whole grains are also packed with fiber, which promotes healthy digestion.

Volunteers who consumed 5 tablespoons of high-in-lycopene tomato paste daily for 3 months had nearly 25% more protection against sunburn in one study. Even better, skin had more collagen, which prevents sagging.

If you want clear, glowing and blemish-free skin, make sure lemons are part of your daily diet. Lemon aids with digestion by increasing the secretion of bile from the liver, while also acting as a strengthening agent for the liver's enzymes.

TAGS : beauty boosting foods for your nails, hair & skin, beauty boosting foods, the pretty skin diet, beauty boosting superfood you should be eating, skin care, ifairer