4 Drug Combinations That Can Be Accidentally Lethal

4 Drug Combinations That Can Be Accidentally Lethal

SSRIS + Opioids
(antidepressants + painkillers)

Some antidepressants work by increasing brain levels of the "happy hormone" serotonin. Certain painkillers can have the same effect—leading to way too much of a good thing. Sky-high serotonin levels can cause agitation, high body temperature, and rapid heart and breathing rates.

TAGS : 4 drug combinations that can be accidentally lethal, deadly drug combination, worst medicine combination, combination of medicine that you should never have, ssris ,opioids, antidepressants ,painkillers, opioids, benzodiazepines painkillers, anti-anxiety meds,statins ,fluconazole,cholesterol-lowering drugs ,antifungal medication,opioids ,benzodiazepines ,carisoprodol ,painkillers, anti-anxiety meds ,muscle relaxers